中国人民大学农业与农村发展学院博士后(2010年9月—2012年7月),合作导师:黄宗智(Philip C. C. Huang,中国人民大学吴玉章讲座教授)。
1、 国际发表:
Yuan Gao 2016. Revolutionary Rural Politics: The Peasant Movement in Guangdong and Its Social-historical Background, 1922–1926. Modern China,42(2),162-187.
Yuan Gao 2016. The Emergence of the Three Central Political Themes in the Legitimacy-Building of Chinese Revolutionary Politics, 1921–1923. Modern China, 42(3), 273-299.
Philip C.C. Huang and Yuan Gao 2015. Should Social Science and Jurisprudence Imitate Natural Science? Modern China. 41(2):131-167.
Philip C.C. Huang, Yuan Gao, and Yusheng Peng 2012. Capitalization without Proletarianization in China’s Agricultural Development. Modern China, 38(2): 139-173.
Yuan Gao 2011. Rural Development in Chongqing: the Every Household’s Income to Grow by 10,000 Yuan Project. Modern China, 37(6): 623-645.
Yuan Gao 2015. Deng Zihui and the Issue of Rural Social Classes in the Chinese Revolution. Rural China. 12(1): 41-65.
Yuan Gao 2014. Large Farms vs. Small Farms: Grain Production in Northwestern Shandong. Rural China. 11(1): 222-243.
Philip Huang and Yuan Gao 2013. The Dynamics of Capitalization in Chinese Agriculture: Private Firms, the State, or Peasant Households? Rural China. 10 (1):36-65.
高原2016,“革命型乡村政治:广东农民运动 及其社会历史背景(1922—1926)”,《开放时代》,第2期,194-210.
黄宗智、高原 2014. “大豆生产和进口的经济逻辑”,《开放时代》,第1期,176-188.
高原 2012. “小农农业的内生发展途径:以山东省聊城市耿店村为例”,《中国乡村研究》,第9辑,172-194.
高原2011. “市场经济中的小农农业和村庄:微观实践与理论意义”, 《开放时代》,第12期,113-128.
高原 2010. “鲁西北的小农经济:一个微观的社会研究”,《中国乡村研究》,第8辑, 31-49.
Y Gao and X-y Tang 2007. A coupled variable coefficient modified KdV equation arising from a two-layer fluid system, Commun. Theor. Phys. 48: 961-970.
Gao Y, Tang X Y and Lou S Y 2009. Localized Waves in Nonlinear Systems with Spatially Inhomogeneous Nonlinearity, Chin. Phys. Lett. 26 (3): 030502.
Gao Y, Tang X Y and Lou S Y 2009. Nonsensitive Nonlinear Homotopy Approach, Chin. Phys. Lett. 26 (11): 110201.
Gao Y and Lou S Y 2009. Nonsensitive Homotopy-Pade Approach: Anharmonic Oscillators, Commun. Thoer. Phys. 52 (2): 214-220.
Gao Y and Tang X Y 2009. Symmetry Analysis and similarity solutions of a resonant Davey-Stewartson system, Commun. Thoer. Phys. 52 (4): 581-587.
Gao Y and Lou S Y 2009. Analytical Solitary Wave Solutions to a (3+1)-Dimensional Gross-Pitaevskii Equation with Variable Coefficients, Commun. Thoer. Phys. 52 (6): 1031-1035.
Tang X Y, Gao Y,Huang F and Lou S Y 2009. Variable coefficient nonlinear systems derived from an atmospheric dynamical system, Chin. Phys. B 18(11): 4622-4635.
Jiao X Y, Gao Y and Lou S Y 2009. Approximate homotopy symmetry method: Homotopy series solutions to the sixth-order Boussinesq equation, Sci. China Ser. G 52 (8): 1169-1178.
Man Jia, Y. Gao and S. Y. Lou 2010. Conservation Laws of equation family with same Kac-Moody-Virasoro symmetry, Phys. Lett. A 374 (15-16): 1704-1711.
Man Jia , Yuan Gao, Fei Huang, Sen-yue Lou, Ji-lin Sun, Xiao-yan Tang 2012. Vortices and vortex sources of multiple vortex interaction systems, Nonlinear Analysis: Real World Applications, 13 (2): 2079-2095.
“Nonsensitive Homotopy-Pade Approach: Anharmonic Oscillators.” International Conference on Applied Analysis and Scientific Computation, Shanghai, June, 2009;
“Homotopy analysis, principle of nonsensitivity and anharmonic oscillators.” 第九届孤立子与可积系统学术研讨会,江苏镇江,2009年8月;
A Reflection on Postwar Neoclassical Economics: The Shift from General Equilibrium Theory to the New Microeconomic Theories
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