2008 Januaru-June Anthony.W. and Lulu C.Wang Distinguished Visiting Professor
Cornell University Law School, USA
2007.January-June, Visiting Professor, Cornell University Law School
2004.09 -- Present Professor, School of Public Policy and Management, Tsinghua University
2003.09 - 2004.07 Fellow of the Institute for Advanced Study in Berlin
2003.01 - 2003.08 Senior Visiting Fellow of Harvard Law School
2001.10 - 2003.01 Visiting Fellow, East Asian Institute, National University of Singapore
1995.07 - 2001.07 Assistant Professor of Political Science, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
1993.07 - 1995.07 Instructor in Political Science, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
University of Chicago (Political Science) Ph.D. 1995
University of Chicago (Political Science) M.A. 1989
National University of Defense Technology, China (Math.) B.Sc. 1985
Invited to give Ralph Miliband Lecture, London School of Economics, June 9, 2003
Invited Lecture to Documenta 11, House of World Cultures, Berlin, October 27, 2001 (http://www.documenta.de/data/english/platform1/index.html: video of the event)
Member of the Academic Advisory Board, Center for Communication Studies, Tsinghua University
Member of Editorial Board of Society and Thoughts book series, Oxford University Press, Hong Kong
Member of Editorial Board of the Journal Horizons, Hebei Education Publishing House
Member of Editorial Board of the Journal Comparative Studies, CITIC Publishing House, Beijing
Member of Editorial Board of the book series "Third Sector in China" (NGO Development), Zhejiang Peoples' Publishing House
Books and Book Chapters:
Wrestling with the Invisible Hand: Soft-Budget-Constraint in the Capitalist Economy, forthcoming (under contract) from Harvard University Press, 2005.
Editor and Introduction. Politics: Theory Against Fate by Roberto Mangabeira Unger. London & New York: Verso, 1997 (It also has been translated into Portuguese and published in Brazil).
Co-author with Adam Przeworski, et al. Sustainable Democracy. New York: Cambridge University Press, 1994 (primarily responsible for Chapter 5).
Co-author for the UNDP China: Human Development Report 1999, ed. By Carl Riskin, Oxford University Press, 2000 (responsible for the theoretical chapter).
Introduction and Co-editor with Jomo K.S. Long 20th Century, forthcoming, Oxford University Press.
"Bush Doctrine and Neo-Conservatism: A Chinese Perspective", in David Held (ed.), American Power in the 21st Century, Polity Press, 2005
"Liberal Socialism and the Future of China: A Petty Bourgeoisie Manifesto" in Tianyu Cao (ed.),
"China's Model for Modern Development", Routlege, 2005
"In Search of Dynamic Republicanism for the 21st Century" in Okwui Enwezor et al. (eds.), Democracy Unrealized, Documenta 11 Platform 1, Germany: Hatje Cantz Publisher, 2002.
"International Chapter 11 and Special Drawing Rights", in Marc Uzan (ed.), The Financial System Under Stress: An Architecture for the New World Economy, London & New York: Routledge, 1996.
"Particular, Universal, and Infinite: Transcending Western Centrism and Cultural Relativism in the Third World", in Leo Marx and Bruce Mazlish (eds.), Progress: Fact or Illusion? Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press, 1996.
"Can Privatization Solve the Problem of Soft Budget Constraint?" in Vedat Milor (ed.), The Political Economy of Privatization and Public Enterprise Reform in Eastern Europe, Asia, and Latin America, Boulder: Lynne Rienner, 1994.
"The Recessionary Bias of the Polish Stabilization Plan in 1990", in Roland Schonfeld (ed.), Transforming Property Forms and Instituting Markets in Post-Communist Central Europe, Munich: Sudosteuropa-Gesellschaft, 1992.
Articles in Journals:
"China's Export Tax Rebate Policy", China, An International Journal, Vol. 1, No.2, September, 2003. (It has been translated into French and published in a French Journal on Chinese Affairs).
"Introduction to Tang Tsou's Interpreting the Revolution in China", Modern China, April, 2000.
"Whither China?" Social Text, Summer, 1998.
"Privatization and the Consolidation of Democratic Regimes: An Analysis and An Alternative," Journal of International Affairs, Winter, 1997 (It has been translated into Slovene and published in Slovenia Economic Review).
"China in the Russian Mirror", co-authored with Roberto Unger, New Left Review, Nov. /Dec., 1994.
"Market Incompleteness, Innovation, and Reform," Politics and Society, March, 1991.
看不见的手的范式的悖论(专著) The Dilemma of the Invisible Hand Paradigm, Economic Science Publisher, Beijing, 1999.
民主合作制-新密县人代会案例研究 Democratic-Cooperative System - A Case Study of Xinmi County People's Congress, Zhiyuan Cui, Rong Jingben & Wang Shuanzheng (eds.), Central Translation Bureau Publishing House, 1998.
制度创新与第二次思想解放(个人论文集) Institutional Innovation and the Second Thought Liberation, Hong Kong: Oxford University Press, Honk Kong, 1997 (It is translated into Korean and published in the Asian Thought Series, Seoul, 2003).
中国改革的政治经济学The Political Economy of Chinese Reform, Zhiyuan Cui and Yang Gan (eds.), Hong Kong: Oxford University Press, 1997.
南街村Nanjie Village, Co-author with Deng Ying-Tao and Miao Zhuang. Beijing: Modern China Press, 1996 (responsible for four chapters).
博弈论与社会科学(专著) Game Theory and Social Sciences, 浙江人民出版社, 1988.
Participant, Project on East-South System Transformations, Directed by Adam Przeworski, supported by MacArthur Foundation, 1992-1995.
Participant, Project on Clean Energy in China, jointly supported by MIT, Tokyo University, and Tsinghua University, 1997-1998.
Co-Director, Project on "Political Reform in the Xinmi County People's Congress", supported by Ford Foundation, 1996-1998.
Participant, Project on "Democratic State Building in Contemporary China", supported by Ximalaya Foundation, 2001-2003.
Best Dissertation Nominated to the American Political Science Association by the Department of Political Science, University of Chicago, 1995.
Provost Faculty Development Fund, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 1996.
Andrew Mellon Foundation fellowship for dissertation writing, University of Chicago, 1992-1993.
University of Chicago University Fellowship, 1988-1992.
Making Sense of the Chinese “Socialist Market Economy”: A Note
hits:2193 2013/12/01Partial Intimations of the Coming Whole: The Chongqing Experiment in Light of the Theories of Henry George, James Meade, and Antonio Gramsci
hits:4540 2011/11/17How to Comprehend Today’s China:An Interpretation of the “Comparatively Well-Off Society”
hits:2955 2006/08/30Introduction of Unger's Politics
hits:2226 2003/03/30Liberal Socialism and the Future of China--A Petty Bourgeoisie Manifesto
hits:2674 1970/01/01China’s Export Tax Rebate Policy
hits:4785 1970/01/01Privativatization and the Consolidation of Democratic Regimes:An Analysis and An Alternative
hits:2369 1970/01/01Whither China? The Discourse on Property Rights in the Chinese Reform Context
hits:2632 1970/01/01China in the Russian Mirror
hits:2681 1970/01/01Particular,Universal,and Infinite:Transcending Western Centrism and Cultural Relativism in the Third World
hits:2837 1970/01/01China's Rural Industrialization
hits:2172 1970/01/01Tntroduction to Tang Tsou's "Interpreting the Revolution in China"
hits:2957 1970/01/01