Shaoguang Wang is the chairman and a chair professor of Department of Government & Public Administration, the director of Universities Service Centre for China Studies, at the Chinese University of Hong Kong, Changjiang Chair Professor of the School of Public Policy & Management at Tsinghua University, an non-official member of Hong Kong Government’s Commission on Strategic Development. He serves as the chief editor of the China Review, an interdisciplinary journal on greater China. He studied for his LL.B. at Peking University and his Ph.D. at Cornell University. He taught at Tijiao High School in Wuhan from 1972-1977 and Yale University from 1990 to 2000. He has authored and co-authored more than 20 books and numerous journal articles in Chinese and English.
王绍光,香港中文大学政治与公共行政系讲座教授,中国研究服务中心主任,清华大学公共管理学院长江讲座教授,香港特别行政区策略发展委员会委员,英文学术刊物《The China Review》主编。他于一九八二年获北京大学法学士学位,一九八四年获美国康乃尔大学政治学硕士学位,一九九零年获美国康乃尔大学政治学博士学位。他曾在一九七二年至七七年任教武汉市堤角中学,一九九零年至二零零零年任教美国耶鲁大学政治系。他已出版中英文专著与合著约二十多种,并在中英文刊物上发表上百篇文章,其最新著作是《安邦之道:国家转型的目标与途径》(三联书店,2007)和《民主四讲》(三联书店,2008)
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