Social Sciences of Practice-book-Institute for Advanced Historical and Social Research
Social Sciences of Practice
Matthew Sommer, Polyandry and Wife-Selling in Qing Dynasty China: Survival Strategies and Judicial Interventions. WorldCat-access 1431.
Huaiyin Li, The Making of the Modern Chinese State, 1600-1950. WorldCat-access 186.
Jiayan Zhang, Coping with Calamity:Environmental Change and Peasant Response in Central China, 1736-1949. WorldCat-access 937.
Lisa Tran, Concubines in Court:Marriage and Monogamy in Twentieth-Century. WorldCat-access 711.
Ka-chai Tam:Justice in Print: Discovering Prefectural Judges and Their Judicial Consistency in Late-Ming Casebooks
Philip C. C. Huang and Kathryn Bernhardt, eds. Research from Archival Case Records: Law, Society, and Culture in China. WorldCat-access 1128.
Philip C. C. Huang and Kathryn Bernhardt, eds. The History and Theory of Legal Practice in China: Toward a Historical-Social Jurisprudence. WorldCat-access 1088.
Thomas C.Grey, Formalism and Pragmatism in American Law. WorldCat-access 1139.
Wu Chongqing, The Path to Sun Village.
Jennifer Neighbors, A Question of Intent: Homicide Law and Criminal Justice in Qing and Republican China. WorldCat-access 772.
Philip C. C. Huang, Code, Custom, and Legal Practice in China: The Qing and the Republic Compared. WorldCat-access 361.
Kathryn Bernhardt, Women and Property in China, 960-1949. WorldCat-access 529.
Bradly W. Reed, Talons and Teeth: County Clerks and Runners in the Qing Dynasty. WorldCat-acces 871.
Melissa Macauley, Social Power and Legal Culture: Litigation Masters. WorldCat-access 373.
Matthew H. Sommer, Sex, Law, and Society in Late Imperial China. WorldCat-access 675.
Philip C. C. Huang, Chinese Civil Justice, Past and Present. WorldCat-access 1365.
Philip C. C. Huang, Civil Justice in China: Representation and Practice in the Qing. WorldCat-access 411.
Kathryn Bernhardt and Philip C. C. Huang, Civil Law in Qing and Republican China. WorldCat-access 400.
Kathryn Bernhardt, Rents, Taxes, and Peasant Resistance: The Lower Yangzi Region. WorldCat-access 682.
Philip C. C. Huang, The Peasant Family and Rural Development in the Yangzi Delta, 1350-1988. WorldCat-access 1904.
Philip C. C. Huang, The Peasant Economy and Social Change in North China. WorldCat-access 762.