Philip C. C. Huang was a professor of history at the University of California, Los Angeles, from 1966 to 2004, and (Founding) Director of its Center for Chinese Studies, from 1986 to 1995. He has been (Founding) Editor of Modern China: An International Journal of History and Social Science since 1975 and of Zhongguo xiangcun yanjiu (Rural China: An International Journal of History and Social Science) since 2001. He is currently Chiangjiang Chair Professor at the People's University of China.
Philip C. C. Huang's Major Publications in English
Liang Ch'i-ch'ao and Modern Chinese Liberalism, Seattle: University of Washington Press, 1972.
Chinese Communists and Rural Society, 1927-1934, (with Lynda Bell and Kathy Walker), Berkeley: Center for Chinese Studies, University of California, Berkeley, 1978.
The Peasant Economy and Social Change in North China. Stanford, CA: Stanford Univ. Press,1985. (Based mainly on Mantetsu surveys of the 1930s and local gazetteers. Awarded the Fairbank Prize of the American Historical Association.)
The Peasant Family and Rural Development in the Yangzi Delta, 1350-1988. Stanford, CA: Stanford Univ. Press,1990. (Based on Mantetsu surveys of the 1930s, local gazetteers and agricultural treatises, and my own ethnographic research. Awarded the Levenson Prize of the Association for Asian Studies.)
Civil Justice in China: Representation and Practice in the Qing. Stanford, CA: Stanford Univ. Press,1996. (Based mainly on 628 Qing period cases from Baxian, Baodi, and Danshui-Xinzhu counties. Supplemented by magistrate handbooks and the Mantetsu ethnographic studies)
Code, Custom, and Legal Practice in China: The Qing and the Republic Compared. Stanford, CA: Stanford Univ. Press, 2001. (Based on 875 Qing and Republican cases from four counties, supplemented by detailed ethnographic information on village-level disputes in the period)
Chinese Civil Justice, Past and Present. Lanham, MD: Rowman & Littlefield, 2010.
Articles (by four topic areas):
I. Theoretical and Methodological
"The Paradigmatic Crisis in Chinese Studies: Paradoxes in Social and Economic History" (Part I of the series "Paradigmatic Issues in Chinese Studies" -- see under Edited Books and Symposia), Modern China, vol.17, no.3 (July 1991): 299-341.
"Public Sphere / Civil Society in China? The Third Realm Between State and Society" Modern China, vol.19, no.2 (April 1993): 216-240.
"Theory and the Study of Modern Chinese History: Four Traps and a Question" Modern China, vol.24, no.2 (April 1998): 183-208.
"Biculturality in Modern China and in Chinese Studies" Modern China, vol.26, no.1 (January 2000): 3-31.
"Centralized Minimalism: Semiformal Governance by Quasi Officials and Dispute Resolution in China" Modern China, vol. 34, no. 1 (January 2008): 9-35.
"Beyond the Right-Left Divide: Searching for Reform from the History of Practice" Modern China 36, 1(2010): 115-133.
"A Brief Comment on Ivan Szelenyi's Comment" Modern China 37.6(2011): 684-688.
"Misleading Chinese Legal and Statistical Categories: Labor, Individual Entities, and Private Enterprises" Modern China 39.4(July 2013): 347-379.
"Profit-Making State Firms and China's Development Experience: 'State Capitalism' or 'Socialist Market Economy'?" Modern China 38, 6(2015): 591-629.
"Should Social Science and Jurisprudence Imitate Natural Science?" (with YUAN GAO), Modern China 41, 2 (Mar.2015): 131-67.
"How Has the Chinese Economy Developed So Rapidly? The Concurrence of Five Paradoxical Coincidences" Modern China 41, 3 (2015): 239-277.
"An Introduction to Ester Boserup's: The Conditions of Agricultural Growth: The Economics of Agrarian Change Under Population Pressure (Chicago: Aldine, 1965)" Rural China 13.1(2016): 37-46.
"Our Sense of Problem: Rethinking China Studies in the United States" Modern China 42,2 (2016): 115-161.
"Citation Indexes: Uses and Misuses" Modern China 44,6 (2018): 559-590.
"In Search of a Social Science Anchored in (Chinese) Realities" Modern China 45,1 (2019):3-36.
"Rethinking ‘the Third Sphere’: The Dualistic Unity of State and Society in China, Past and Present" Modern China 45,4 (2019):355-391.
"A New Integrative Vision: China’s BeltRoad Initiative and Its Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank" Modern China 46,5 (2020):463-489.
"A Critique of Marketism: Varieties of Exchanges in China’s Past and Present" Modern China 48,1 (2022):3-28.
"From Dualistic Opposition to Dyadic Integration: Toward a New Political Economy of Chinese Practice" Modern China 48,3 (2022):459-497.
II. Rural Society and Economy:
"Analyzing the Twentieth-Century Chinese Countryside: Revolutionaries versus Western Scholarship" Modern China, vol.1, no.2 (April 1975): 132-60.
"Mao Tse-tung and the Middle Peasants," Modern China, vol. 1, no. 3 (July 1975): 271-96.
"A Reply to Ramon Myers," Journal of Asian Studies, vol. 50, no. 3 (August 1991): 629-633.
"The Study of Rural China's Economic History," Republican China, vol. 38, no. 1 (November 1992): 164-176.
"Rural Class Struggle in the Chinese Revolution: Representational and Objective Realities from the Land Reform to the Cultural Revolution," in Symposium on Rethinking the Chinese Revolution: Paradigmatic Issues in Chinese Studies, IV, Modern China, vol. 21, no. 1 (January 1995): 105-143.
"Development or Involution in 18th Century Britain and China?" Journal of Asian Studies, vol. 61, no. 2 (May 2002): 149-176.
"China's New Age Small Farms and Their Vertical Integration: Agribusiness or Co-ops? " Modern China, vol. 37, no. 2 (March 2011): 107-134.
"The Modern Chinese Family: In Light of Economic and Legal History," Modern China, vol. 37, no. 5 (September 2011): 459-497.
"Capitalization without Proletarianization in China's Agricultural Development." (with YUAN GAO, and YUSHENG PENG), Modern China 38, 2 (Mar.2012): 139-73.
"The Dynamics of Capitalization in Chinese Agriculture: Private Firms, the State, or Peasant Households?", (with YUAN GAO), Rural China 10, 1 (April 2013): 36-65.
"Is 'Family Farms' the Way to Develop Chinese Agriculture?" Rural China 11, 2(2014): 189-221.
"China's Hidden Agricultural Revolution, 1980-2010, in Historical and Comparative Perspective." Modern China 42, 4 (July 2016): 339-76.
"The Three Models of China's Agricultural Development: Strengths and Weaknesses of the Administrative,Laissez Faire, and Co-op Approaches" Rural China 14.2 (2017): 488-527.
"Whither Chinese Agriculture?: An Introduction" Rural China 14.2(2017): 197-221.
“The Theories of ‘Differential Optimums’ and ‘Vertical Integration’ and Their Implications for China.” Modern China 49,6 (November 2023): 659-678.
III. Chinese Law: Past and Present
"Between Informal Mediation and Formal Adjudication: the Third Realm of Justice in Qing China" Modern China, vol.19, no.3 (July 1993): 251-298.
"Civil Law in Qing and Republican China: The Issues," with Kathryn Bernhardt, in Kathryn Bernhardt and Philip C. C. Huang, eds. Civil Law in Qing and Republican China, pp. 1-12. Stanford: Stanford University Press, 1994.
"Codified Law and Magisterial Adjudication in the Qing," in Kathryn Bernhardt and Philip C. C. Huang, eds. Civil Law in Qing and Republican China, pp. 142-186. Stanford: Stanford University Press, 1994.
"Women's Choices under the Law: Marriage, Divorce, and Illicit Sex in the Qing and the Republic" Modern China, vol.27, no.1 (Janurary 2001): 3-58.
"Divorce Law Practices and the Origins, Myths, and Realities of Judicial Mediation in China" Modern China, vol.31, no.2 (April 2005): 151-203.
"Civil Adjudication in China, Past and Present" Modern China, vol.32, no.2 (April 2006): 135-180.
"Court Mediation in China, Past and Present" Modern China, vol.32, no.3 (July 2006): 275-314.
"Whither Chinese Law?" Modern China, vol.33, no.2 (April 2007): 163-194.
"Morality and law in China: past and present." Modern China 41, 1 (Jan.2015): 3-39.
"The Past and Present of the Chinese Civil and Criminal Justice Systems: the Sinitic Legal Tradition from a Global Perspective." Modern China 42, 3 (May 2016): 227-72.
IV. China's Informal Economy: Practice and Theory
"China's Neglected Informal Economy: Reality and Theory" Modern China 35, 4 (July 2009): 405-38.
"The Theoretical and Practical Implications of China's Development Experience: the Role of Informal Economic Practices." Modern China 37, 1 (Jan.2011): 3-44.
"Chongqing: Equitable Development Driven by a 'Third Hand'?" Modern China 37, 6 (2011): 569-622.
"China's Informal Economy Revisited" Rural China 10.1 (2013): 66-82.
"Dispatch Work in China: a Study from Case Records, Part I." Modern China 43, 3 (May 2017): 247-88.
"Dispatch Work in China: a Study from Case Records, Part II." Modern China 43, 4 (July 2017): 355-96.
"China's Informal Economy, Reconsidered: An Introduction in Light of Social and Legal History" Rural China 14.1(2017): 1-17.
V. Other
"Liberalism and Nationalism in Liang Ch'i-ch'ao's Thought," Monumenta Serica, 29 (1971): 521-36.
"Current Research on Ming-Qing and Modern History in China," Modern China, vol.5, no.4 (Oct. 1979): 503-23.
"County Archives and the Study of Local Social History: Report on a Year's Research in China," Modern China, vol.8, no.1 (January 1982): 133-43.
"In Search of a Chinese Modernity: Wang Hui's The Rise of Modern Chinese Thought" Modern China, vol.34, no.3 (July 2008): 396-404.
Edited Books and Symposia:
"The Rural Revolution", Modern China, vol.1, no.2 and no.3 (April, July 1975).
"The 1911 Revolution", Modern China, vol.2, no.2 (April 1976).
"Mao and Marx", Modern China, vol.2, no.4; vol.3, no.1, no.2, and no.4 (October 1976; January, April, July 1977).
"Literature and Revolution", Modern China, vol.2, no.3 (April 1976).
"Taiwan: Society and Economy", (with Norma Diamond), Modern China, vol.3, no.3 (July 1979).
The Development of Underdevelopment in China, White Plains, New York: M. E. Sharpe, 1980.
"Political Economy and Popular Movements in Ming-Qing and Republican China", (with Joseph Esherick and Linda Grove), Modern China, vol.6, no.1; vol.6, no.2; and vol. 6, no.3 (January, April, July 1980).
"Peasant Rebellions in China," Modern China, vol.9, no.3 (July 1983).
"The Making of the Chinese Working Class," Modern China, vol.9, no.4 (October 1983).
"Ideology and Theory in the Study of Modern Chinese Literature: Paradigmatic Issues in Chinese Studies, II" Modern China, vol.19, no.1 (January 1993).
"Public Sphere" / "Civil Society" in China? Paradigmatic Issues in Chinese Studies, III, Modern China, vol.19, no.2 (April 1993).
Civil Law in Qing and Republican China, edited with Kathryn Bernhardt, Stanford: Stanford University Press, 1994.
"Rethinking the Chinese Revolution: Paradigmatic Issues in Chinese Studies", IV, Modern China, vol. 21, no.1 (January 1995).
"Code and Practice in Imperial Chinese Law", Part I, Modern China, vol. 21, no.3 (July 1995); Part II, Modern China, vol. 23, no. 2 (April 1997).
"Theory and Practice in the Study of Modern Chinese History: Paradigmatic Issues in Chinese Studies", Modern China, vol.24, no.2 (April 1998).
"The Nature of the Chinese State: Dialogues among Western and Chinese Scholars, I" Modern China, vol.34, no.1 (January. 2008).
"Whither Chinese Reforms? Dialogues among Western and Chinese Scholars, II" Modern China 35,4 (July 2009): 347-351.
"Constitutionalism, Reform, and the Nature of the Chinese State: Dialogues among Western and Chinese Scholars, III" Modern China 36,1 (2010): 3-11.
"Development 'Planning' in Present-Day China-System, Process, and Mechanisms: Dialogues among Western and Chinese Scholars, VI" Modern China 39,6 (Nov.2013): 575-652.
"The Basis for the Legitimacy of the Chinese Political System: Whence and Whither? Dialogues among Western and Chinese Scholars, VII -- Editor's Introduction" Modern China 40, 2 (2014): 107-118.
"The History and Theory of Legal Practice in China: Toward a Historical-Social Jurisprudence", edited with Kathryn Bernhardt, Leiden: Brill, 2014.
"Research from Archival Case Records: Law, Society, and Culture in China", edited with Kathryn Bernhardt, Leiden: Brill, 2014.
Fifty Years of Modern China: An International Journal of History and Social Science
hits:721 2024/05/16The Theories of “Differential Optimums” and “Vertical Integration” and Their Implications for China
hits:770 2024/02/09Whither Economics in China? A Comment on Professor Jia Genliang’s “Reflections on Economics Education in China and Suggestions for Its Reform”
hits:1432 2023/10/10Revisiting “the Great Divergence”: Clarifying the Two Major Modes of Agriculture in China and the West
hits:902 2023/05/16Code, Custom, and Legal Practice in China
hits:6800 2023/05/02Civil Justice in China: Representation and Practice in the Qing
hits:864 2023/05/02The Peasant Family and Rural Development in the Yangzi Delta, 1350-1988
hits:863 2023/05/02The Peasant Economy and Social Change in North China
hits:6842 2023/05/02Theory of Practice and China Research: Legal and Social Science Studies
hits:998 2022/09/27From Dualistic Opposition to Dyadic Integration: Toward a New Political Economy of Chinese Practice
hits:847 2022/04/20A Critique of Marketism: Varieties of Exchanges in China’s Past and Present
hits:1889 2021/12/26A New Integrative Vision: China’s BeltRoad Initiative and Its Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank
hits:1145 2021/07/26China's New Age Small Farms and Their Vertical Integration: Agribusiness or Co-ops?
hits:3785 2021/04/11In Search of a Long-Term Development Path for China: Starting from Differences between Assigning Responsibility and Contracting
hits:2872 2019/11/23In Search of a Social Science Anchored in (Chinese) Realities
hits:2273 2019/11/14Rethinking “the Third Sphere”: The Dualistic Unity of State and Society in China, Past and Present
hits:3363 2019/05/29Citation Indexes:Uses and Misuses
hits:2303 2018/10/31Our Sense of Problem:Rethinking China Studies in the United States
hits:2204 2018/10/20The Modern Chinese Family:In Light of Economic and Legal History
hits:6026 2018/10/20The Theoretical and Practical Implications of China's Development Experience:The Role of Informal Economic Practices
hits:5207 2018/10/20“Whither Chinese Agriculture?”: An Introduction
hits:3136 2017/10/20The Three Models of China’s Agricultural Development: Strengths and Weaknesses of the Administrative,Laissez Faire, and Co-op Approaches
hits:2534 2017/10/20“Whither Chinese Agriculture?”-- An Introduction
hits:5351 2017/09/25Dispatch Work in China: A Study from Case Records, Part II
hits:1767 2017/07/13Dispatch Work in China: A Study from Case Records, Part I
hits:2250 2017/05/16China’s Informal Economy, Reconsidered: An Introduction in Light of Social and Legal History
hits:2194 2017/04/19An Introduction to Ester Boserup’s: The Conditions of Agricultural Growth: The Economics of Agrarian Change Under Population Pressure (Chicago: Aldine, 1965)
hits:1802 2017/04/11China’s Hidden Agricultural Revolution, 1980–2010, in Historical and Comparative Perspective
hits:3095 2016/06/11The Past and Present of the Chinese Civil and Criminal Justice Systems: The Sinitic Legal Tradition from a Global Perspective
hits:3145 2016/04/12Is “Family Farms” the Way to Develop Chinese Agriculture?
hits:2697 2015/06/30How Has the Chinese Economy Developed So Rapidly? The Concurrence of Five Paradoxical Coincidences
hits:4442 2015/05/25Morality and Law in China, Past and Present
hits:2746 2015/04/11Should Social Science and Jurisprudence Imitate Natural Science?
hits:1785 2015/04/10China’s Informal Economy Revisited(中国的非正规经济再论证)
hits:2050 2014/11/25The Dynamics of Capitalization in Chinese Agriculture: Private Firms, the State, or Peasant Households?(中国农业资本化的动力: 公司、国家、还是农户?)
hits:2550 2014/11/25Editor’s Foreword Whither Rural China: Capitalism, Socialism, Or?( 编者前言: 中国农村往哪里去?资本主义、社会主义、还是?)
hits:1935 2014/11/25Is “Family Farms” the Way to Develop Chinese Agriculture?
hits:3563 2014/07/31Editor’s Introduction to The History and Theory of Legal Practice in China: Toward a Historical-Social Jurisprudence
hits:2001 2014/07/17Editor’s Introduction
hits:1540 2014/07/17"Social Sciences of Practice” Series Foreword
hits:1677 2014/07/17Women’s Choices under the Law: Marriage, Divorce, and Illicit Sex in the Qing and the Republic
hits:3248 2014/07/16Between Informal Mediation and Formal Adjudication: The Third Realm of Qing Civil Justice
hits:2299 2014/07/16The Basis for the Legitimacy of the Chinese Political System: Whence and Whither? Dialogues among Western and Chinese Scholars, VII -- Editor’s Introduction
hits:2208 2014/03/23Rural China: An International Journal of History and Social Science Volume 10 (2013)
hits:1654 2014/03/23Development "Planning" in Present-Day China--System, Process, and Mechanism: Dialogues among Western and Chinese Scholars, VI
hits:3567 2013/12/02Profit-Making State Firms and China's Development Experience:"State Capitalism" or "Socialist Market Economy"?
hits:2232 2013/05/23"State Capitalism" or "Socialist Market Economy"?--Editor's Foreword
hits:1921 2013/05/23Misleading Chinese Legal and Statistical Categories: Labor, Individual Entities, and Private Enterprises
hits:2909 2013/05/19Capitalization without Proletarianization in China's Agricultural Development
hits:3591 2012/03/26A Brief Comment on Ivan Szelenyi’s Comment
hits:3617 2011/11/17Chongqing: Equitable Development Driven by a “Third Hand”?
hits:18142 2011/11/13Introduction to "Whither Chinese Reforms? Dialogues Among Western and Chinese Scholars, II"
hits:2672 2009/07/31China's Neglected Informal Economy: Reality and Theory
hits:3451 2009/07/31In Search of a Chinese Modernity: Wang Hui's The Rise of Modern Chinese Thought
hits:2424 2008/07/31Centralized Minimalism: Semiformal Governance by Quasi Officials and Dispute Resolution in China
hits:2823 2008/01/31Introduction to "The Nature of the Chinese State-Dialogues among Western and Chinese Scholars-I"
hits:4383 2008/01/31Whither Chinese Law?
hits:2208 2007/04/30Court Mediation in China, Past and Present
hits:2685 2006/07/31Development Or Involution in 18th Century Britain and China?
hits:2242 2006/05/31Civil Adjudication in China, Past and Present
hits:2516 2006/04/30Divorce Law Practices and the Origins, Myths, and Realities of Judicial Mediation in China
hits:2404 2005/04/30Women's Choices under the Law: Marriage, Divorce, and Illicit Sex in the Qing and the Republic
hits:2041 2001/01/31Biculturality in Modern China and in Chinese Studies
hits:2625 2000/01/31Theory and the Study of Modern Chinese History: Four Traps and a Question
hits:3015 1998/04/30Rural Class Struggle in the Chinese Revolution: Representational and Objective Realities from the Land Reform to the Cultural Revolution
hits:2296 1995/01/31Rethinking the Chinese Revolution: An Introduction
hits:2346 1995/01/31"Public Sphere "/"Civil Society" in China?: The Third Realm between State and Society
hits:3677 1993/04/30Editor's Foreword:“Public Sphere”/ “Civil Society” in China?
hits:2194 1993/04/30Between Informal Mediation and Formal Adjudication-the Third Realm of Justice in Qing China
hits:2238 1993/01/31Ideology and Theory in the Study of Modern Chinese Literature: Paradigmatic Issues in Chinese Studies, II
hits:2484 1993/01/31The Paradigmatic Crisis in Chinese Studies: Paradoxes in Social and Economic History
hits:2321 1991/07/31The Paradigmatic Crisis in Chinese Studies: Paradoxes in Social and Economic History
hits:2870 1991/07/31Review of Chinese and Japanese Scholarship: Editor's Note
hits:2019 1977/07/31Editor's Foreword
hits:2201 1976/10/30Editor's Note on Transliteration
hits:2242 1976/10/30Editor's Foreword
hits:2104 1976/04/30Introduction to "Constitutionalism, Reform, and the Nature of the Chinese State: Dialogues among Western and Chinese Scholars, III"
hits:2444 1970/01/01Beyond the Right-Left Divide: Searching for Reform from the History of Practice
hits:2865 1970/01/01Preface: Why Do We Need a Different Approach to the Study of Chinese Law?
hits:2308 1970/01/01