The Problems of Married-Out Women Under the Rural Collective Ownership System—The Example of Jiaojiang, Taizhou(农村集体所有制构架下的农嫁女问题: pdf
Xuefang Pan(潘学方) 2014/11/25 hits:1256Organized Violent Conflicts over Water Control in Rural China: The Jianghan Plain, 1839-1979(江汉平原清后期以来与水利有关的有组织的暴力冲突)pdf
Jiayan Zhang(张家炎) 2014/11/25 hits:1445Disaster Reproduction and the Crisis of Governance —The Shanxi Example in China’s Experience(灾害的再生产与治理危机—中国经验的山西样本)pdf
Yulin Zhang(张玉林) 2014/11/25 hits:1347China’s Informal Economy Revisited(中国的非正规经济再论证)pdf
Philip C. C. Huang 2014/11/25 hits:1953The Dynamics of Capitalization in Chinese Agriculture: Private Firms, the State, or Peasant Households?(中国农业资本化的动力: 公司、国家、还是农户?)pdf
Philip C. C. Huang 2014/11/25 hits:2455Editor’s Foreword Whither Rural China: Capitalism, Socialism, Or?( 编者前言: 中国农村往哪里去?资本主义、社会主义、还是?)pdf
Philip C. C. Huang 2014/11/25 hits:1856The New Cooperative Movement in Rural China (中国农村的新合作运动)pdf
John Q. Tian (田群建) 2014/11/24 hits:1321The New School Calendar in Haicheng County’s Village Primary Schools, 1905-1919 (新校历:海城县村小 1905-1919年的变革与意义)pdf
Elizabeth VanderVen(樊德雯) 2014/11/24 hits:1396Taking Turns Supporting Elderly Parents—Statistics from Field Investigations in Hebei (北方农村老年人 “轮养” 方式研究—基于河北调查数据)pdf
Yuesheng Wang (王跃生) 2014/11/24 hits:1314Regional Variation of Lineage Culture and Fertility Transition in Rural China (中国农村生育转变的类型与宗族文化的区域差异)pdf
Weigang Gong, Chengrong Duan, and Burak Gürel (龚为纲、段成荣、Burak Gürel) 2014/11/24 hits:1541Marriage, Law, and Revolution: Divorce Law Practice in the Shaan-Gan-Ning Border Region (婚姻、革命与法律—陕甘宁边区的离婚法实践)pdf
Liu Yang(杨柳) 2014/11/24 hits:1555The Law of Limit to Land Productivity andChina’s Hidden Agricultural Revolution (土地生产率极限法则和中国的隐性农业革命)pdf
Xiaolin Pei (裴小林) 2014/11/24 hits:1503Is “Family Farms” the Way to Develop Chinese Agriculture?pdf
Philip C. C. Huang 2014/07/31 hits:3492Large Farms vs. Small Farms: Grain Production in Northwestern Shandongpdf
Gao Yuan 2014/07/31 hits:3190Reconstructing Max Weber’s “Sociology of Law”: The Power of Idealism and the Limits of Objectivitypdf
Junnan Lai 2014/07/16 hits:1682Sovereignty and “Civilization”: International Law and East Asia in the Nineteenth Centurypdf
Junnan Lai 2014/07/16 hits:2112Centralized-Minimalist Government: The Lake Weishan Issue and the Chinese Mediatory System of Governmentpdf
Lei Tian 2014/07/16 hits:1512The System of “Turning Oneself In” in Qing and Contemporary China: Some Reflections on Legal Modernismpdf
Zhengyang Jiang 2014/07/16 hits:886Between Informal Mediation and Formal Adjudication: The Third Realm of Qing Civil Justicepdf
Philip C. C. Huang 2014/07/16 hits:2215Representation and Practice in “Privately Settling Illicit Sex Offenses,” with Attention to the “Third Realm” from the Late Imperial Period to the Present pdf
Fenghua Jing 2014/07/16 hits:1858